Monday, June 26, 2017

PDF Ebook AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown

PDF Ebook AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown

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AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown

AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown

AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown

PDF Ebook AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown

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Sie können die Soft - Datei dieser Publikation erhalten AsapSCIENCE: Answers To The World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, And Unexplained Phenomena, By Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown Es wird auf Ihrer zusätzliche Zeit verlassen und Aktivitäten auch zu öffnen , und auch diese Veröffentlichung überprüfen AsapSCIENCE: Answers To The World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, And Unexplained Phenomena, By Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown Soft - Daten. So können Sie nicht zögern , dieses E-Book zu bringen AsapSCIENCE: Answers To The World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, And Unexplained Phenomena, By Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown überall hin mitnehmen. Fügen Sie einfach diese sot Daten auf Ihrem Küchengerät oder Computer - Diskette Sie jedes Mal , wie überall auch überprüfen , damit Sie Zeit haben.

AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown


“From hiccup cures to the 5 second rule, this book put a bemused smile on my face and answered the oddball questions of life. An irreverent stroll through the arcane and taboo, guided by the science behind it.” (Chris Hadfield, author of "An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth" and "You Are Here: Around the World in 92 Minutes")"Science is big fun. The ASAP guys get that, and they'll show you— they'll even draw you a diagram." (Bill Nye “The Science Guy,” CEO, The Planetary Society and author of "Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation")"From concise examinations of tiny topics like the science of love and aging, to answers to questions you actually care about--should you use the snooze button?--this book has something for everyone who is curious about the world around them. (That is to say: everyone.) This is science at its most fun, accessible, and well-illustrated." (David Epstein, author of the New York Times bestseller "The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance")"Entertaining...valuable...particularly for the young and curious." (Publishers Weekly)“A fun read that strikes a fine balance between science and levity, offering delightful drawings relevant to the text. Each topic is presented with enough information to explain the science involved but not so much that the reader is swimming in terminology and detailed descriptions.” (Library Journal)“Science is fun! But it's even more so when Mitch and Greg get their hands on it. Gross, funny, interesting, weird: It's all science, and it's all cool.” (Phil Plait a.k.a. The Bad Astronomer, author of "Bad Astronomy and Death from the Skies!")"These guys answer the questions you had no idea were bugging you all your life." (Fast Company)

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Mitchell Moffit is the cocreator of the award-winning YouTube channel AsapSCIENCE. He graduated from the University of Guelph in Ontario in 2012.Greg Brown is the cocreator of the award-winning YouTube channel AsapSCIENCE. He graduated from the University of Guelph in Ontario in 2012.


Gebundene Ausgabe: 256 Seiten

Verlag: Scribner (17. März 2015)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 147675621X

ISBN-13: 978-1476756219

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15,2 x 2 x 22,9 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.6 von 5 Sternen

8 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 15.728 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Wer den Youtube-Channel AsapSCIENCE kennt, weiß auch schon wie das Buch geschrieben ist: Ulkiger Humor, liebevolle Zeichnungen, informativer Inhalt.Es werden insgesamt 40 Themen angesprochen, von denen etwa ein Drittel schon in Video-Form veröffentlicht sind.

Sehr unterhaltsam und sehr kurzweilig. Jedem zu Empfehlen, der die YouTube-Videos der beiden kennt, aber auch allen anderen.Jede Erklärung ist ergänzt mit Zeichnung und Bildern, und die Erklärungen sind klar, verständlich und kurz.Auch geeignet für Kinder/Jugendlichen mit einem Englisch-Wortschatz aus Klasse 6/7

I bought this book a while ago and I'm still very happy with my decision. The topics covered here are all explained in a colorful way with quite a lot of pictures and are basically a printed verstion of the YouTube videos. The only point that I would have missed here was a couple of new additional content that hasn't been covered in a video yet.All in all I can only recommend this book for all its intelligent and scientific accurate explanations of different everyday topics and of course also recommend to have a look at the YouTube-channel of the authors if you haven't done yet.

Ein schön gestaltetes Buch, dass vielen Alltagsmythen auf den Grund geht. Das Buch ist jedem zu empfehlen, der Englisch einigermaßen beherrscht und die wissenschaftliche Antwort auf alte Volksmundregeln erfahren möchte. Trotz der teils kindlichen Aufmachung ist das Buch genau so gut für Erwachsene geeignet. Der YouTube-Kanal der beiden Autoren bietet einen kleinen Vorgeschmack auf das Buch: [...]

I've got all of its 3 versions - printed, ebook and audiobook, and I enjoyed them all. I must say that the book has really amazing sketches, and is very informative as well entertaining, however the subscribers of ASAP Science YouTube channel might not find it so appealing as it's highly redundant.

Pretty nice but not as good as the videos. I would advice you to just watch them instead of spending money on this book. Really invested fans might want to own this book for the fansake

Funny reading and a must have for every you tube fan.Some new stuff some common knowledge, but still a good mix.+++ nice graphicsGreets from Germany

I chose this 5-star rating because there's nothing to complain about. The book came with good condition. i like it

AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown PDF
AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown EPub
AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown Doc
AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown iBooks
AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown rtf
AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown Mobipocket
AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown Kindle

AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown PDF

AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown PDF

AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown PDF
AsapSCIENCE: Answers to the World's Weirdest Questions, Most Persistent Rumors, and Unexplained Phenomena, by Mitchell Moffit Greg Brown PDF

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